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My first paragraph is amazing!
Implicit link with body equals URL: examle.com This works because we automatically recognize the https:// prefix.
Implicit link with custom body: example website
Implicit link immediately followed by a period by using an empty argument: examle.com. After period.
Explicit link with \a[]: example website
And the second one with inline code f(){} and inline server-side rendered maths with KaTeX: .
But if we want block code here it is
f() {
  return 1;
and here is some block maths:
OurBigBook loves maths, and so equations can have titles, and references to math equations just work! See e.g.: my favorite equation>
Equation 2.
This is my favorite equation in the entire world!!!
We try to make anything escapable with a backslash, e.g.:
  • literal backslash \notmacro
  • code and math: ` and $
If you want more than three backticks in your insane code block, you can add more to the open:
Here  are three backticks:
or you can also use the equivalent sane macro literals. When you open and close a macro argument with more than one square bracket [ or curly brackets {, it becomes a literal string and does not get parsed further:
Here  are three backticks:
And here's an example of named title= argument with multiple curly brackets { which makes its content literal:
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